Memories of Europe & Glühwein

Thank You all for your support and fundraising that helped send our son’s hockey team to Europe in December 2010. You should be proud that you helped create a memory that our son will never forget. Thank you again!
Jack & Dad. And Jack is only taking this picture with me because I gave him $10.
For those interested in seeing some of the photos and activities here is the link to all that was great in Europe with the Pickering Panthers Bantam AA hockey team.
Make as many good memories as you can for they are truly priceless!
Having been so lucky to be able to accompany my wife and son on their European hockey tour I would like to share one of my many great memories…Glühwein.
Pirjo and I in Prague. Had to give Pirjo $20.
Glühwein is really just hot wine with a little spice and sugar added. Similar to spiced wine or mulled wine it is a fantastic ‘heat you up’ winter drink. In Europe it’s almost a sport. Everywhere you went there was this wonderful warm drink that not only warmed your hands but your spirit. It just kind of made you smile, especially when it was 20 below. From the local restaurant to the vending carts in the streets and even the pub in the hockey arena, they all sold Glühwein. Some better tasting than others but they all did the trick.
And you could imbibe it from either a tumbler, a coffee cup, or even a Styrofoam cup. AND…you didn’t get arrested if you were enjoying it in the street while you casually walked around and enjoyed the sights. How civilized is that?
What is Glühwein?
Glühwein is popular in German-speaking countries and the region of Alsace in France, former German Elsass. It is the traditional beverage offered and drunk during the Christmas holidays or throughout the winter months. It is usually prepared from red wine, heated and spiced with cinnamon sticks, vanilla pods, cloves, citrus and sugar.
Mmmmm! The best 'warmer upper'.
A very similar type of mulled wine is popular in the Czech Republic. It is called svařené víno (“boiled wine”). (Wikipedia)
Now that I have your attention here is the recipe. Quite simple really, and you can make it from only one bottle of red wine. Enjoy this while the days are cold, it will definitely warm you up. And if nothing else you just might feel that you are in Europe for at least a few moments. Well worth it in my book.
GERMAN GLUHWEIN1/2 liter red wine1/4 liter water1 stick cinnamon3 whole cloves1/4 c. sugarDirections: Bring water to a boil and then add cinnamon and whole clove seasonings, letting it boil for 5 minutes. Reduce heat and add your red wine and sugar. With reduced heat, warm until hot. Do not boil after adding wine.
Remove your seasonings and serve hot in glass over a slice of lemon. Serves 4. Goes very well with a cool winter evening.
USE WARM GLASSES, NOT COLD as they may break.
Please note that by boiling the Glühwein you will burn off all the alcohol and lose the nose.
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Cheers & Enjoy!