Keep Wine On The Go… ALWAYS!

Personally made wine is a lifestyle, as much as it is a savings.
Having been in the winemaking business for over 23 years I have seen the changes, improvements and trends. One common denominator has been the dreaded call…”Craig, I’m outta wine’ or “I had to spend a fortune at the liquor store”.
Keep a Winexpert wine on the go…always! Keep in mind that it takes at least 4-10 weeks to produce your personal wine. Simply figure out your own wine usage and take into consideration holidays, occasions, entertaining and of course ageing your wine to improve it.
Whether it’s one selection a year or one a month, always have one on the go. If you always have a wine ready or close to being ready to bottle, then our facility simply becomes your personal ‘wine filling station’. And you’ll never make that dreaded call.