“Cheers” From Around the World!

I always love to hear ‘Cheers’ or ‘Toasts’ in different languages. It’s like sharing a good wish with all mankind. And, what better time of the year than the Holidays to share a list of “Good Wishes” from around the globe.
One of the things I like most about a toast is that they all seem to have one thing in common… they are all sharing a positive message. A toast, in my opinion, is a wish or statement extolled upon those with whom you are enjoying and sharing your company. You will notice most of them are to your health or happiness. It is amongst friends and Family. My personal favourite is à Votre Santé meaning ‘to your health’ in French.
Try to pronounce a few listed below (I have but I am still learning). And, this can make for some good toasting trivia.
Feel free to add to our list and remember there are many different versions from many different countries. The translations are approximate.
Cheers (Canadian EH?) and Enjoy!